
Tuesday, January 8



So, it's a bit late but here are the remnants of my attempt to taking a picture every week last year. Of course, I took tons more than are here but so many are blurry, so many are mundane to look at but so special to me and sometimes it is nice to keep a little to yourself. I love pictures, as charting a journey. They are so evocative of memory and emotion. When we were in NICU, I hardly took any photographs; something I really regret now. Now, I might have over 20 photographs taken on any one day yet I don't think I even have 20 photographs of a very important yet vulnerable two whole months of Wriggles' little life. 

2012 was an eventful year. It was a year that saw Wriggles crawl then cruise. It was a year we got some medical answers and a whole heap more equipment. It was a year I made a bit of a breakdown and was made redundant. It was a year we had our first birthday party invites and really made some good mum-friends. It was a year that was really scary but also really incredible. There is a lot of me which thinks "2012: the year we got the feeding tube." After all, that is SUCH a big thing. It has made a difference to our lives, from health to routine, not to mention feeding. It is something that I still have very mixed feelings over but I know was the right decision and ultimately one I don't regret and I hope an older Wriggles won't either. I don't want to remember 2012 as the year of the tube though. It was the year Wriggles grew up in spades. We are a whole 2 clothes sizes bigger, two kilogrammes heavier (ish) and so much more of a baby than a little girl. During the summer months, it was becoming increasingly obvious the developmental gap between Wriggles and her peers and those younger. Although she hasn't gained any monumental new skills or milestones since she turned two, she seems more grown up and while in some ways there are big gaps, in other ways her play and social nature seems more sophisticated making it impossible to mistake her for not being a toddler. She might be doing things at her own pace, but by heck she's doing them.



  1. She is so beautiful!
    I have a 4 years old daughter and she is ex-prem too. They are so amazing, proud of them all...

  2. I hope 2013 will be less worrying for you. Good to see there have been plenty of lovely moments too though xx

  3. It strikes me she's going from strength to strength. I definitely agree that you made the right choice with the tube, it is a big thing but having the right nutrition must have a great impact on her learning, enabling her to make the most of all the fab opportunities you provide for her - including sticking her full sized self in to a dolls house!!
    In surmising you did forget to mention all the brilliant posts you wrote in 2012, it's been such a great experience sharing your amazing journey x

  4. Love the collage! Lovely to see how she's changed. X
