
Wednesday, May 23

Park Life

Sunshine makes everything feel better. This week, I have been trying to put any niggles to the back of my mind and utilise my day and a half off work into getting out and about with the Wriggly one. We are very lucky in our little city of Newcastle that there are plenty of small-person friendly things that are either free or cheap and do not need a car to get to. Hooray! One of my favourite places to go is Leazes Park in the centre of town, opposite our beloved hospital the RVI. It is just minutes from a metro stop and bus route and St James Park looms over, and yet when you are there, the traffic noises melts away and all you can hear is birdsong, ducks and people chatting. 
As parks go, it is quite large. It was the first public park open in Tyneside, opening in 1873 after working men petitioned for a space for recreation and relaxation. The park centres on a large lake with an island in the middle and there is a bandstand, boast hut, former lodge and tennis courts. There was once deer roaming freely through the park but now you have to make do with the still-surreal cows that are permitted to graze on the bits of the Town Moor next door.

Since Wriggles was introduced to swings and the love affair began, we have been to many parks but this is an extra good one. The swings are pretty good but the huge amount of open space is a plus and proximity to town should you need emergency facilities like a good toilet or biscuit shop. I suspect when she finds her feet, places like these will become even more brilliant to toddle around in. At the moment, Wriggles is quite suspicious of everything. Although she is willing to be tolerant and even mildly curious, she is very much Not Sure about grass and her legs twitch as though she is not sure she really wants to sit on it! She was quite intrigued however by daisies and cheered up once I had wrestled the picnic blanket out from underneath the buggy. We set up a mobile library and toyshop and I proceeded to use nearly a whole (little) tube of sunscreen on the pair of us. Well, you can't be too careful and 'lobster' is so not Wriggles' colour.

All in all, a very enjoyable afternoon. Mr Weatherman-more of the same please!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. A love an impromptu picnic rug in the sun. Your park looks like an oasis of Country in the Town. I bet it is well used on a sunny weekend. Beautiful photos in the clear light and love the colours with that picnic rug. Thank you for joining me on Country Kids.

  2. Ah lovely. And you managed to brighten up the park with your colourful rug too!
    It made me smile when you said wriggles is suspicious of things. Smidge is much the same and I wonder if it's a Prem thing. Smidge is particularly suspicious of people who want to smile and say hello. She looks at them as if to say 'you don't think I'm on to you? Your deluded!'

  3. Eeeek such a lovely post. Glad you had a nice day, gorgeous photos! x
